Meditations for the Holy Hour after the Holy Mass
on the second Thursday, 12 May 2016,
at the Church of the Divine Providence

Dr. Wojciech Kosek

in collaboration with Beata Krochmal

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Meditations led by nine people:

A, B, D, G, M – women; J, P, W, Z – men.

This translation was published here on 28 Oct 2023.

To see the original Polish text ← click, please!

(Duration of meditations and songs: about 76 min.)

(Duration with recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy: about 87 min.)

Full text of St. Faustina’s Diary ← click, please!

Introductory meditations

(Duration of meditations and songs: about 15 min.)

A Beloved Jesus! The Holy Mass ended     A MOMENT ago;     A MOMENT ago, the priest, with words of blessing and sending of God’s people, dissolved the Eucharistic assembly. Why, then, did we remain here in the church? Why did we not run out into the world to proclaim the good news of Your love? We have remained in the sacred space of our parish church in order to fall even deeper in love with You… We have remained out of the need of our hearts because we wish to prolong the loving encounter with You that began with the Holy Mass. O Jesus, our Jesus, guide us toward a great love of You. In this holy time of the “Holy Hour,” lead each of us toward deep intimacy with You as the Bridegroom of our souls. (1:16)

P Beloved Savior! Our vigil today after the Eucharist is directed toward You, toward loving You. We desire that You rest in our hearts, finding in them our love as a response to the love of Your Heart. We realize it is too often when we focus our encounters with You not on loving You but on loving ourselves. Overwhelmed by excessive preoccupation with worldly matters, we are so often more concerned with satisfying our current needs than with showing gratitude and love to You… (0:59)

P Song: Be Hail, Living Host – 1-2 stanza (1:26)

B Dearest Savior! The time of visitation, to which we now have access by receiving You in Holy Communion, is a time of special grace. We are given to be very close to You; we are given to listen to the beating of Your loving Heart… It is a time of love, a time desired by everyone who loves You and wants to love You more… You are here, O Beloved Jesus… You are, and You desire to love… You are, and You desire my love… I love You, O Dearest Jesus… (0:51)

Z O our Savior and Beloved, how we desire to respond to Your love with our love! How we long to receive from You the grace of such an ability to love You, which would fulfill Your longing for man’s great love for You… How we long, how earnestly we desire, to become people who are powerful to love You – the Incarnate God – according to the desires of Your Heart… We know that it is not easy to love You with such great love… (0:50)

Z Song: Be Hail, Living Host – 3-4 stanza (1:26)

G Dearest Jesus! We keep in our grateful memory that extraordinary time of encounter with You, which we recently experienced in our parish in connection with the peregrination of the copy of the image of the Merciful Jesus from Łagiewniki. Knowing that with the arrival of this image, a time particularly rich in Your grace is opening up for our entire parish, we participated in the welcoming of the image on Saturday, in the first Mass celebrated by Father Bishop Peter, in the subsequent Masses – whether on the same day or on Sunday. (0:58)

W Beloved Savior! A time of personal or communal prayer before Your miraculous image – these are events covered by Your extraordinary graciousness in response to our coming to the parish church at this very time… It is how You have willed, O Beloved, that the visible sign of grace – this image – should evoke parishioners with the assurance that they can obtain much for themselves or others… It is what You have willed so that everyone who comes in faith to pray at this time of grace before this holy image should receive from You what is essential for his or her temporal and, above all, eternal life… (1:07)

W Song: Be Hail, Living Host – 5-6 stanza (1:26)

M Beloved Jesus! This so important and, simultaneously, so brief and fleeting time of our encounter with You through the presence of Your image from Łagiewniki is an excellent explanation of the time of grace that always opens up whenever we receive You in Holy Communion. As the faithful of Your Church, we now wish to proclaim with faith that the most intense, most abundant time of grace is always the time of this special visitation, which takes place during each Holy Mass and continues for some time after the conclusion of its celebration. (0:54)

J O Jesus, the Most Holy Host! Believing in Your Divine power, we ask You for faith. We ask: multiply our faith so that we may be able to confess always, following St. Paul the Apostle, that in the time after Holy Communion, our response to Your love is our prayerful proclamation of Your Death until You return to us, return as the Victor of Death, as Lord of Glory, as Giver of the Holy Spirit to us (cf. 1Cor 11:26-12:3). (0:44)

J Song: Be Hail, Living Host – 5-6 stanza (1:26)

D Let us believe, O Jesus, that by receiving You in Holy Communion, we are invited with the Apostles to share in Your salvific way, which You pass from the Upper Room of the Last Supper towards Golgotha, in order to give up Your life there and finally pass into the glory of Resurrection… Let us believe that You need our presence with You and desire our presence… You desire us for Yourself, so that You may bestow love upon us all the more abundantly… (0:49)

P Jesus, we walk then with You along the path from the Upper Room to Gethsemane, and from there on to the Cross of Golgotha and up to the morning of Resurrection. Passing on this way, we will meditate on excerpts from St. Faustina’s Diary and pray the Chaplet to Your Divine Mercy. Jesus, guide us toward the fullness of love! (0:34)

Meditations for the Chaplet of Divine Mercy

(Duration of meditations with songs: about 33 min.)

Our Father, Hail Mary, I believe…

Meditation 1.
Lord Jesus’ agony in Gethsemane

A Song: Garden of Olives – 1-2 stanza (1:20)

A With You, O Dearest Jesus, I kneel on the ground of the Garden of Olives… Your extraordinary love for me makes it possible for me, by the power of the received Blessed Sacrament, to truly be with You in the time of two thousand years ago. My love for You does not allow me to look indifferently at what now affects You so much. “And His sweat was like thick drops of blood falling on the ground,” St. Luke records in the Gospel (22:44). I am with You, O Beloved One… (0:49)

Z I am with you, O Beloved… You suffer because you were willing to take upon Yourself the burden of my sin… You suffer, but You do not regret it. It is for me, for my growth toward the fullness of freedom, that You decided to sacrifice Yourself… O Jesus, my Jesus… You offer Your life to the Father for my sake, asking that He grant me a new power to deny myself, i.e., my weakness, a new power to utter with all of myself the principle, “I would rather die than offend God with sin.” (0:48)

B St. Sister Faustina noted in her Diary: “O Jesus, You let me learn and understand what makes a soul great – not great deeds, but great love. Love has value and endows our deeds with greatness; even though our deeds be small and ordinary in themselves, thanks to love they become great and mighty before God – thanks to love. Love is the secret which transforms everything it touches into things that are beautiful and pleasant in the sight of God. (0:51)

W Divine love makes the soul free. It is like a queen, it knows not of slavish compulsion; it embarks on all things with great freedom of soul, for the love which dwells in the soul is an encouragement to action. Everything that surrounds the soul tells it that only God Himself is worthy of its love. Enamoured of God and immersed in Him, the soul proceeds to its duties in the same disposition as it goes to Holy Communion, and it performs the simplest of tasks with meticulous attention, under God’s loving gaze; it is not disconcerted if after some time something does not turn out to be as successful as expected; it remains calm, because at the time it did all that was in its power. (1:06)

G If the living Divine presence, which the soul enjoys almost all the time, should happen to leave it, it tries to live by virtue of living faith; the soul knows there are times of repose and times of battle. Its will is always with God. The soul is like a knight well trained in combat; it sees from afar where the enemy has hidden, and it is ready for battle, it knows it is not alone – God is its strength. (Faustina’s Diary, No. 889-890) (0:43)

J Jesus, my Jesus! In this hour of grace, as I kneel with You in Gethsemane in prayer to the Father, grant me, I beg, freedom from attachment to any sin. Now that I see Your bloody sweat, which so tellingly testifies to the magnitude of the tension You are under, convince me, please, that it is not worth succumbing to weakness, that it is not worth giving up self-denial in a situation of temptation. So that sin, my sin, may never master me, grant me, O Jesus, to make demanding decisions, resulting even in my suffering. Amen.     A MOMENT OF SILENCE     Beloved Jesus! As we recite the first decade of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, we unite ourselves with You, kneeling in the Garden of Gethsemane before the Face of the Father. (1:18)

Meditation 2.
Scourging of the Lord Jesus

D Song: Let us Love the Lord – 1st stanza (0:42)

M Together with You, O Dearest Jesus, I participate in the punishment of the scourging… Your extraordinary love for me makes it possible, by the power of the received Blessed Sacrament, to indeed be there with You – at the time two thousand years ago. My love for You does not allow me to look indifferently at what now affects You so much. “Then Pilate took Jesus and had Him scourged,” St. John records in the Gospel (19:1). I am with you, O Beloved… (0:47)

P St. Sister Faustina noted in her Diary: “The Lord’s Ascension. Ever since this morning, my soul has been touched by God. For a while after Holy Communion, I abided with the Heavenly Father. My soul was pulled into the very fire of love, and I came to know that no outward works can compare with the pure love of God… I saw the joy of the Word Incarnate, and I was immersed in the Divine Triunity. When I came round, longing flooded my soul; I was longing to unite with God. I was overwhelmed by such a lot of love for the Heavenly Father that I call this day a continuous ecstasy of love. The entire universe seemed but a little droplet compared with God. (1:10)

D There is no greater bliss than God letting me know in spirit that each of my heartbeats is pleasing to Him, and when He shows me that He has a special love for me. This spiritual experience of God confirming me in the knowledge that He loves me and takes pleasure in my soul, fills my soul with profound peace. Today, I could not take any food; I felt nourished to the full by love. (Faustina’s Diary, No. 1121) (0:45)

Z Jesus, my Jesus! In this hour of grace, as I share with You in the agony of scourging, grant me, please, freedom from attachment to any sin. Now that I see the bloody wounds on Your innocent body, which so eloquently testify to the magnitude of the sufferings You endured for me, convince me, please, that it is not worth succumbing to weakness, that it is not worth giving up self-denial in a situation of temptation. So that I am never mastered by sin, my sin, give me, O Jesus, to make demanding decisions, resulting even in suffering – my suffering. Amen.     A MOMENT OF SILENCE     Beloved Jesus! As we recite the second decade of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, we unite ourselves to You, accepting with humble obedience to the Father’s Will the punishment of scourging for our intentions. (1:24)

Meditation 3.
The crowning of the Lord Jesus with thorns

A Song: Adoro Te Devote – 1st stanza (0:42)

A Together with You, O Dearest Jesus, I participate in the poignant drama of the crowning with thorns… Your extraordinary love for me makes it possible by the power of the received Blessed Sacrament to genuinely be there with You – at a time two thousand years ago. My love for You does not allow me to look indifferently at what now affects You so much. With all my heart, I am with You, O Beloved, when You suffer so much for me. About this drama, St. Matthew recorded such words in the Gospel: (0:53)

W Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus inside the praetorium and gathered the whole cohort around him. They stripped off his clothes and threw a scarlet military cloak about him. Weaving a crown out of thorns, they placed it on his head, and a reed in his right hand. And kneeling before him, they mocked him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!” They spat upon him and took the reed and kept striking him on the head. (Matt 27:27-30) (0:44)

B St. Sister Faustina noted in her Diary: “O sweetest Master of mine, good Jesus, I give You my heart, and You mould and shape it as You wish. O infinite Love, I open up the cup of my heart to You, as a rosebud opens up to the freshness of the dew; the scent of the flower of my heart is known only unto You. O Bridegroom of mine, may the fragrance of my offering please You. O immortal God, eternal delight of my heart, You are Heaven for me already here on Earth, may each of my heartbeats be anew hymn of praise for You, O Holy Trinity. (0:59)

J If I had as many hearts as there are droplets in the ocean, as there are grains of sand on the whole Earth, I would offer them all to You, O my Love, Treasure of my heart. Whomsoever I shall meet in my life, I want to encourage and persuade them all to love You, O my Jesus. O my Most Beautiful One and my Repose, my only Master, Judge, Savior, and Bridegroom all in one; I know that one title will be balanced up by another – I have put all my trust in Your mercy. (Faustina’s Diary, No. 1064) (0:51)

G Jesus, my Jesus! In this hour of grace, when I participate with You in the punishment of being crowned with thorns, grant me, please, freedom from the sin of haughtiness. Now that I see with what confidence in the Father’s plan You endure the taunts of the soldiers, convince me, please, that it is not worth succumbing to weakness, that it is not worth giving up self-denial in a situation where others torment me. So that sin, my sin of elevating myself above others, may never master me, grant me, O Jesus, to make demanding decisions, even resulting in suffering – my suffering. Amen.     A MOMENT OF SILENCE     Beloved Jesus! As we recite the third decade of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, we unite ourselves with You, who, with humble obedience to the Will of the Father, accept the cruelty of crowning with thorns for our intentions. (1:26)

Meditation 4.
The Way of the Cross of the Lord Jesus

P Song: You go Through the Ages – 1st stanza (0:48)

P Together with You, O Dearest Jesus, I participate in what a grueling way to Calvary… Your extraordinary love for me makes it possible by the power of the received Blessed Sacrament to genuinely be there with You – at a time two thousand years ago. My love for You does not allow me to look indifferently at what now costs You so much. With all my heart, I am with You, O Beloved, when You exert yourself so much for me. About this drama, St. Luke recorded these words in the Gospel: (0:53)

M “As they led Him away they took hold of a certain Simon, a Cyrenian, who was coming in from the country; and after laying the cross on him, they made him carry it behind Jesus. A large crowd of people followed Jesus, including many women who mourned and lamented him. Jesus turned to them and said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep instead for yourselves and for your children, for indeed, the days are coming when people will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed.’ At that time people will say to the mountains, ‘Fall upon us!’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us!’ for if these things are done when the wood is green what will happen when it is dry?” (Luke 23:26-31). (1:08)

Z St. Sister Faustina noted in her Diary: “My Lord and God, You know that my soul loves only You. My entire soul has sunk in You, O Lord. Even should I be unable to accomplish any of the things You have asked me for, O Lord, I shall rest assured because I have done all that it was in my power to do. I know very well, O Lord, that You do not need our work, You want our love. Love, love, and once again love of God, there is nothing greater than this either in Heaven or on Earth. (0:53)

D The greatest greatness is to love God; true greatness is in the love of God; and true wisdom is in loving God. All that is great and beautiful is in God; there is no beauty or greatness but God. O wise men of the world and great minds, know that true greatness is in loving God. O, how it makes me wonder that there are people who fool themselves by saying that there is no eternity. (Faustina’s Diary, No. 989-990) (0:46)

W Jesus, my Jesus! In this hour of grace, as I participate with You in the hardship of carrying the cross to Calvary, grant me, please, freedom from the sin of discouragement. Now, when I see that You overcome, with confidence in the love of the Father, the weakness of Your body and endure the suffering inflicted by the soldiers and the people, convince me, please, that it is not worth succumbing to weakness, that it is not worth giving up self-denial in a situation where a great burden is imposed on me by others. That I may never be mastered by sin, my sin of discouragement, of casting my burden on others, grant me, O Jesus, to make demanding decisions, resulting even in suffering – my suffering. Amen.     A MOMENT OF SILENCE     Beloved Jesus! As we recite the fourth decade of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, we unite ourselves with You, undertaking with humble obedience to the Father’s Will the immense effort of carrying the cross to Calvary for our intentions. (1:39)

Meditation 5.
The death of the Lord Jesus on the cross

A Song: I Greet You – 1st stanza (0:56)

A Together with Mary, O Dearest Jesus, I participate in what a poignant drama of Your dying on the cross at Calvary… Your extraordinary love for me makes me able, by the power of the received Blessed Sacrament, to genuinely be there with You and Mary at a time two thousand years ago. My love for You does not allow me to look indifferently at what now costs You so much. With all my heart, I am with You, O Beloved, when You suffer so much, when You, out of love for me, give Your life so that I may live forever. About this event, St. John recorded these words in the Gospel: (1:04)

J Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home. After this, aware that everything was now finished, in order that the scripture might be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I thirst.” There was a vessel filled with common wine. So they put a sponge soaked in wine on a sprig of hyssop and put it up to his mouth. When Jesus had taken the wine, he said, “It is finished.” And bowing his head, he handed over the spirit. (John 19,25-30) (1:05)

B St. Sister Faustina noted in her Diary: “Today, the Divine presence has been going right through me, like a ray of sunlight. My longing for God is so vast that every so often it makes me swoon. I can feel Love eternal touching my heart; my tininess cannot take it and makes me faint. But great is its spiritual strength, and my soul wants to reciprocate and match the love given it by Love. At such moments, my soul experiences such a profound insight into God, and the more it knows God, the more ardently and purely it loves Him. How vast and unimaginable are the secrets my soul shares with God. (1:02)

P Sometimes, there are whole hours when my soul is overwhelmed by amazement, seeing God’s infinite majesty coming down so low to my soul. I am forever inwardly astonished that the supreme Lord has taken a liking to me and tells me so Himself; which only makes me all the more aware of my nothingness, knowing what I am of myself. But I must admit that I do love my Creator, in return for His love I love Him madly, with every movement of my heart, with every sinew, and my soul is sinking, sinking unawares, sinking … in Him. (0:53)

G I feel that nothing can separate me from the Lord – neither Heaven nor Earth, neither the present nor the future; everything may change, but never, never love, it will always be the same. He, the immortal Mighty One, lets me know His will, that I might love Him in a very special way, and He makes my soul capable of such love the way He wants to be loved. I am submerging more and more in Him, and I am not afraid of anything. Love has taken possession of the whole of my heart, and even if I were told of Divine justice and how even the pure spirits tremble before Him, covering up their faces and continually saying, “Holy,” which would mean that my intimate abiding with Him detracted from His honour and majesty – oh no, no, never. (1:17)

Z Pure love contains everything – supreme honour and the most profound worship, while my soul is deeply and most tranquilly immersed in Him by love, and the outward talk of creatures has no effect on it. What they tell my soul about God is but a faint shadow of what it experiences inwardly with God; and it is often surprised that other souls are so excited by what someone says about God; such things are commonplace for my soul, for it knows that what can be said about God is still a good way off from what is truly great; it listens to everything and takes it with respect, but it has its own life in God. (Faustina’s Diary, No. 946-947) (1:05)

M Jesus, my Jesus! In this hour of grace, when, together with You and Your Mother, I participate in Your last moments on Calvary, I beg You to give me freedom from all sin, especially from the sin with which I most often hurt my sisters, my brothers…    A LONG MOMENT OF SILENCE     Beloved Savior, grant me, please, freedom from the sin with which I most often hurt my sisters, my brothers…    A LONG MOMENT OF SILENCE     Now that I see with what extraordinary consistency You are capable of giving to the end and without remainder all that You have and all that constitutes You, I ask You to convince me powerfully that it is not worth succumbing to weakness, that it is not worth giving up self-denial in a situation of dispute with others. So that sin, my sin of killing others, may never master me, give me, O Jesus, to make tough decisions, resulting even in great suffering – my suffering. Amen.    A A MOMENT OF SILENCE     Beloved Jesus! As we recite the fifth decade of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, we unite ourselves to You, giving Your life with humble obedience to the Will of the Father to save us from eternal death. (1:56)

Meditations after the Chaplet of Divine Mercy

(Duration of meditations with songs: about 28 min.)

W Beloved Savior! Behold, we have passed from the Cenacle of the Last Supper to Golgotha… we have passed with You in the company of the Apostles. We stood with the Immaculate Mary at Your feet, nailed to the cross. By the power of Divine Communion, we indeed became disciples, in love with You. Going on this way, we asked ourselves: can we leave the Lord Jesus alone among people condemning Him to death, among people with hearts filled with cruelty towards Him? (0:50)

W Song: Let us Love the Lord – 1st stanza (0:42)

D Going on this way, we asked ourselves: are we allowed not to hear the voice of our hearts, which desire – like Your Immaculate Mother – to be there with You by the power of Eucharistic union? To be with You on the way towards the Hill of the Skull,… towards the hill where You reveal the mysterious depth of Your love for the Father and all of us… (0:36)

D Song: Let us Love the Lord – 2nd stanza (0:42)

J Being in a state of grace, after receiving You in Holy Communion, we set out with You from the Upper Room towards Calvary. On this way towards death, the question still resounded in our hearts: can we show indifference after Holy Communion to this truly amazing opportunity to console You and Your Immaculate Mother when we know that You have included such an opportunity for consolation in this Divine Food, which we receive from Your hands at the Mass through the priest of Your Holy Church? (0:55)

J Song: Jesus, Veiled in the Sacred Host – 1st stanza (0:26)

A On this Eucharistic path, such a question of faith in the service of love constantly sounded in our hearts: Can we not believe in the Divine power of Your right hand, the right hand with which You somehow mysteriously open the gates of time for us so that we can enter into the time of Your life, into the time of the most challenging hours of Your way to Death on Golgotha, and then into the time of Your eternal glory?… (0:42)

A Song: Jesus, Veiled in the Sacred Host – 2-3 stanza (0:52)

P So we were going, full of gratitude for the grace of faith. We give thanks, O Savior, for the Catholic Church, for the gift of the priesthood and the Eucharist. On the final stage of time of this salvific itinerary with You, we entrust all of us – gathered here in Your name. To Your Divine Love, we entrust above all our beloved priests – shepherds of Your People. To You, O Savior, we confess our love with song. (0:43)

P Song: Your Heart, Jesus, is Burning with Love – 1st stanza (0:50)

B O Jesus, we remember the words You spoke to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque about Your longing for a truly great love towards You. You confessed to her thus: “I thirst with such a terrible thirst to be loved by men in the Blessed Sacrament that this thirst consumes Me. Yet I find no one trying to quench it according to My desire by some return of My love. [1] (0:44)

B Song: Your Heart, Jesus, is Burning with Love – 2-3 stanza (0:50)

Z Our Beloved! Love is aided by the ability to see the beloved person, to hug him or her, to listen to his or her heartbeat… Moreover, love requires the ability to see the time of the beloved person’s arrival as a particular time, a time for which it is worth putting aside everything that might have absorbed our attention up to that moment. Love, in even this sense, requires the ability to make a sacrifice, to give up what does not focus the heart on the loved one… Love is demanding… Love requires the ability to joyfully run out to meet the one who comes because he loves and desires to love… (1:05)

Z Song: Your Heart, Jesus, is Burning with Love – 4-5 stanza (0:50)

G O Jesus, coming in the miracle of the Most Holy Host… You, O Beloved, confessed to St. Margaret that the one who truly loves You with great love is the one who loves You in the Blessed Sacrament, and, therefore, the one who with the eyes of faith sees You coming and present in the Blessed Sacrament. Today, I ask my heart, I ask myself in the depths of my love, I ask above all You, O Beloved: Do I, O Lord, perceive the time of love You open gently, lovingly, invisibly at the moment when I receive You in Holy Communion? Do I see a time of love abounding, a time abounding in Your loving presence to me? Do I see, O Jesus…? (1:12)

G Song: The Lord Came Down From Heaven – 1st stanza (0:56)

W Lord Jesus! Sister Faustina noted in her Diary (No. 1318) such words of dialogue with You: “O my Jesus, in thanksgiving for many graces, I offer up to You my body and soul, my mind and will, and all the feelings in my heart. Through my vows, I offered myself up to You completely, and there is nothing left that I can give You.” Jesus replied, “My daughter, you have not offered Me the thing that is truly yours.” I pondered, looking within myself, and realized that I loved God with all the powers of my soul, but I could not discover what it was I had not offered the Lord. So I asked, “Jesus, tell me what it is, and I’ll offer it up to You immediately and with all the generosity in my heart.” Jesus replied graciously, “My daughter, offer up your misery to Me, for that alone is your exclusive property.” (1:14)

W Song: The Lord Came Down From Heaven – 2nd stanza (0:56)

M We, too, O Beloved Savior, surrender to You all our misery, all our propensity to sin. We also surrender to You our inability to love You in the Blessed Sacrament as You desire to be loved. In the sea of Your mercy, which is poured out abundantly upon us during our Eucharistic union, we immerse our inability with the hope that You will not fail us, that You deign to bestow upon us the love for Yourself in the Blessed Sacrament. Amen. (0:53)

M Song: I Know in Whom I Believe – 1st stanza (0:48)

J Sister Faustina noted in her Diary (No. 1319-1320): You died, O Jesus, but a spring of life flowed out for souls, and a sea of mercy opened up for the whole world. O spring of life, unfathomed Divine mercy, engulf the whole world and pour Yourself out upon us. “At three o’clock, beg for My mercy, especially for sinners, and immerse yourself, even for a short moment, in contemplation on My Passion, particularly when I was left forsaken at the moment of death. That is the hour of great mercy for the whole world. I shall allow you to enter into the depths of My mortal sorrow. At this hour, I shall not refuse anything that a soul may ask of Me, for the sake of My Passion…” (1:07)

J Song: I Know in Whom I Believe – 2-3 stanza (1:36)

D Following Sister Faustina, we confess our love for You, O Jesus, in response to the well of merciful love that gushes forth from Your Heart: (Diary, No. 1321): Hail, O Most Merciful Heart of Jesus, / Our only haven and safe harbour, / Fountain of life dispensing graces, / In You my hope’s firmly anchored. / Hail, Sacred Heart full of pity sublime, / Living source of love unconfined, / Restorer of life for sinful mankind, / Source of all sweetness divine. (0:49)

P Hail, Sacred Heart, wounded, cut right open, / Whence water and blood flowed out at the lance-thrust / From the two rays, Your mercy’s token, / We may draw life, solely by trust. / Hail, Divine Goodness, limitless Godhead, / Never bounded, never sparing, / Full of love and mercy, yet ever sacred, / Like a loving mother for us, kind and caring. / Hail, Lamb of God and mercy’s throne, / You laid Your life down for my sake, / Each day before You I prostrate my soul, / Living my days in deepest faith. (0:53)

P Song: Fall to Your Knees – 1-2 stanza (0:52)

A Dearest Jesus! With great gratitude for the gift of the peregrination of Your image as Merciful Savior, we wish to ask You to renew our loving trust in You at the moment when You Yourself peregrinate to us under the species of the Most Holy Host. We desire to worship You, O God Incarnate, O God coming in the reality of Your human body. To You, O Dearest One, we sing a song. (0:45)

A Song: Fall to Your Knees – 3-4 stanza (0:52)

Z Dearest Jesus! With great gratitude for the gift of the peregrination of Your image as Merciful Savior, we wish to ask You to renew our loving trust in You at the moment when You Yourself peregrinate to us under the species of the Most Holy Host. We desire with the power of supernatural love to confess that we believe in You and love You, Most Blessed Sacrament, Most Holy Mystery of Merciful Love, Most Exalted Fountain of All Graces, Divine Fountain, painted with invisible paint, Fountain Beloved, though inaccessible to our eyes. To You, O King of our hearts, we sing a song of praise. (1:07)

Z Song: Winner of Death – 1-2 stanza (1:42)

B Beloved Jesus! We ask for the gift of Your Holy Spirit for us, the gift of Love shaping our hearts into love. We desire to love You more and more fully, O Savior, coming in the miracle of Holy Communion.     A MOMENT OF SILENCE     With song, we cry out for Your descent upon us, O Holy Spirit, O Spirit of Love, O giver of imperishable happiness. (0:35)

B Song: Come Holy Spirit – 1-2 stanza (1:04)

W Beloved Jesus! We wish to abide now in silence until the Appeal of Jasna Góra. We open our hearts to Your voice of love, to Your saving instruction, to Your saving, healing touch. Amen. (0:21)

[1]  Letter No. 133a of St. Margaret Mary to Father Croiset, 3 November 1689. See on the Internet ← click, please!