six pericopes and their chiastic lexical relation: the bar graph.

The table and the bar graph show that:

Thanks to these numerical dependencies, the arrangement of six pericopes is a concentric structure A B C C’ B’ A’; in this case biblical scholars say that it is exactly the chiasmus [1] – a special type of the concentric structure. Such a structure is typical for Hebrews.

Dear Reader!

At the actual stage of this presentation, we know a lot about the literary structure of the Book of Exodus 1-18. In the next stage, it will be shown the identity of this literary structure with the structure of ancient Hittite treaties of the 16th century before Christ.

[1]  See R. Yudkowsky, Chaos or Chiasm? The Structure of Abraham’s Life, “Jewish Bible Quarterly” 35/2 (2007), 109: the author distinguishes between the structure of type A B C A’ B’ C’ (parallelism) and the structure of type A B C C’ B’ A’ (chiasmus). On page 11 he shows chiasmus composed of sixteen elements!       See also: J. Synowiec, Gatunki literackie w Starym Testamencie, Kraków 2003, 37; M. Kantor, Struktury dośrodkowe i odśrodkowe w poezji biblijnej (Ps 120–134), Kraków 1988, 80–83.