Meditations for the Holy Hour
after the Holy Mass
on the second Thursday,
10 Mar 2016,
at the Church of the Divine Providence

Dr. Wojciech Kosek

in collaboration with Beata Krochmal

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Meditations led by nine people:

A, B, D, G, M – women; H, P, W, Z – men.

This translation was published here on 27 Oct 2023.

To see the original Polish text ← click, please!

Full text of St. Faustina’s Diary at ← click, please!

(Duration of meditations and songs: about 79 min.)

(Duration with recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy: about 90 min.)

Introduction to adoration

(Duration of this part: about 10 min.)

P O Beloved Lord Jesus! We are together again! You have come to us, and we have come to You – and now we are together… You are, O Dearest Jesus, You are, and You are thirsting for the love of our hearts… You are because You long for a great love, the greatest love… A MOMENT OF SILENCE You are because You love each of us personally, uniquely, with a love that is the only one… You are because You desire to give us the happiness of falling in love with You – to give it to us who have chosen to seek happiness in You… You are, and You love… You are because You love… You are…, You are…, You are… We are, therefore, together with each other, gazing at each other with great fondness… Jesus, Jesus, Jesus… A MOMENT OF SILENCE Jesus! We are to look at each other: You at me, I at You… We are to look at each other and marvel that this is what we desire: to be with each other, to gaze at each other, to love each other through a close presence… (1:35)

P Song: Jesus, Veiled in the Sacred Host – 1-2 stanza (1:22)

G O, how loving me, Lord of the Universe! Be glorified in Your incomprehensible love, in Your inconceivable nearness, in Your unimaginable longing for the love of my heart! … A MOMENT OF SILENCE Oh, how close You are here with me, Jesus… Oh, how close You are with us and for us… A MOMENT OF SILENCE Oh, when You are so unusually close with us, give every one of us a new admiration for You, a new emotion for Your closeness, a new love for You… A MOMENT OF SILENCE Jesus, Jesus, Jesus… Create in our hearts a new power to see You through faith! A MOMENT OF SILENCE O, Beloved… O Loving One… O our Lover… Oh, my Jesus… A MOMENT OF SILENCE Jesus… Jesus… Jesus… A MOMENT OF SILENCE I love You, Jesus… A MOMENT OF SILENCE Jesus, I love You… I love You… A MOMENT OF SILENCE Jesus… Jesus… Jesus… (1:25).

G Song: Jesus, Veiled in the Sacred Host – 3rd stanza (0:41)

Z Dearest Jesus! Behold, we received You in Holy Communion a few minutes ago. We united ourselves with You being in the state of giving Yourself up to a saving death and passing through death to a new life… You united us with Yourself, celebrating in the Upper Room the Last Supper, that is, the great drama event in the Passover Feast: Your passing through the dark valley of death to the light of new life in the Resurrection… Yes, it is indeed extraordinary that under the cover of the sacramental signs of Bread and Wine, You concealed not only Yourself but Yourself passing two thousand years ago through death to new life. It is expressed in the words of the song which we sing to You: (1:12)

Z Song: Adoro Te Devote – 5th stanza (0:42)

D O Jesus! We note that it was before the Death, not after the Resurrection, that You performed the concealment in the Blessed Sacrament of the Event of Your passing through the valley of Death. Thus, You performed it at the time when this Event had not yet taken place, i.e., when it was yet to take place several hours after the Celebration – at the time that followed the Celebration, i.e., after You departed from the Upper Room among the Apostles. We believe that in the same way, today we too, through Holy Communion, in some mysterious but real way, become participants in Your passing through Death… (1:02)

D Song: Adoro Te Devote – 1-2 stanza (1:24)

J Jesus, our Beloved! It is now, as we abide in Eucharistic union with You in the time following the Holy Mass, that it will be given to us to go with You by the power of the received Blessed Sacrament, to go indeed in the time that followed the celebration of the Last Supper. Thus we desire, O our Shepherd, to follow You consciously from the Upper Room toward Golgotha and toward the morning of the Resurrection… O our beloved Leader, guide us through the darkness of the night of Your dying toward the light of Your Resurrection. Lead us along the path of Passover now as we ponder the thoughts taken from St. Faustina’s Diary and pray successive tens of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Amen. (1:14)

Meditations for the Chaplet of Divine Mercy

(Duration of meditations with songs: about 20 min.)

Meditation 1.
The Agony of Jesus in Gethsemane

B Song: Garden of Olives – 1-2 stanza (1:20)

B “O infinite God, my heart is bursting with joy that You have allowed me to enter into the secrets of Your mercy. All things begin and end in Your mercy… All grace whatsoever comes from mercy, and the last hour is full of mercy for us. Let no one doubt in the goodness of God; even if his sins should be as black as night, God’s mercy is stronger than our wretchedness. All the sinner needs to do is to leave the door to his heart just a little ajar for the ray of grace of Divine mercy to enter, and God will do the rest.” (Faustina’s Diary, No. 1506–1507) (1:00)

W “… wretched is the soul that has closed up the door to Divine mercy, even at the last hour. Those are the souls which cast Jesus into the sorrow of death in the Garden of Olives, for it was from His most compassionate Heart that Divine mercy flowed out.” (Faustina’s Diary, No. 1507) A MOMENT OF SILENCE “O Love eternal, I want all the souls You have created to know You. I would have liked to become a priest, all the time I would be telling poor souls engrossed in despair of Your mercy.” (Diary, No. 302) “ It is my greatest wish that souls should learn to know You – to learn that You are their eternal happiness, to trust in Your goodness and to praise Your infinite mercy.” (Diary, No. 305) A MOMENT OF SILENCE Dear Lord Jesus! Reflecting on the mystery of Your agony in the Garden of Olives, we now recite the first decade of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. (1:27)

Meditation 2.
The Scourging of Jesus

A Song: Lenten Lamentations – Hymn of the Second Part – 1-3 stanza (1:21)

A Holy Thursday. Today, I felt strong enough to be able to take part in the church celebrations. During Mass, Jesus stood by me and said, “Gaze upon My Heart so full of love and mercy for humans, especially for sinners. Gaze upon it and enter into the depth of My Passion.” All at once, in my heart I felt and experienced the whole of Jesus’ Passion; I was surprised the torment did not kill me. (Diary, No. 1663) During Adoration, Jesus said to me, “My daughter, know that your deep love and sympathy were a comfort for Me in the Garden of Olives.” (Diary, No. 1664) (1:02)

P In the evening during Holy Hour, I heard these words, “You see My mercy for sinners being revealed in its full power right at this moment. See how little you have written about it, barely one drop. Do all you can to get sinners to learn of My goodness.” (Diary, No. 1665) (0:31)

M Good Friday. I saw Jesus tormented, but not nailed to the cross, it was still before the crucifixion, and He said to me, “You are My heart, tell sinners of My mercy.” And the Lord gave me inner knowledge of the great depth of His mercy on souls; and I realized that all that I had written was indeed but a drop. (Diary, No. 1666) O my Jesus, my only hope, thank You for the book You have opened up for the eyes of my soul. That book is Your Passion, which You underwent out of love for me. From this book I have learned how to love God and souls. In this book there are inexhaustible treasures for us. (Diary, No. 304) A MOMENT OF SILENCE Dear Lord Jesus! Reflecting on the mystery of Your scourging, we now recite the second decade of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. (1:20)

Meditation 3.
The crowning of the Lord Jesus with thorns

Z Song: Your Heart, Jesus, is Burning with Love – 1-2 stanza (0:50)

Z “My daughter, know that My Heart is mercy itself. From this sea of mercy, graces pour out onto the whole world. No soul that has approached Me has ever come away without being comforted. All wretchedness drowns in My mercy, and all grace, salvific and sanctifying, gushes forth from this fount. My daughter, I want your heart to be the abode of My mercy. I want that mercy to be poured out on the whole world through your heart. Whoever should come to you, let them not leave without that trustfulness in My mercy which I dearly want souls to have. (1:01)

G Pray as much as you can for the dying, pray that they may put their trust in My mercy, for they are the ones most in need of trustfulness, but have it least of all. Know that for some souls the grace of eternal salvation will depend at their last moment on your prayers. You know the vast depth of My mercy, so draw from it for yourself and especially for poor sinners. Heaven and Earth would sooner turn into nothingness than a trustful soul be denied My mercy.” (Diary, No. 1777) (0:52)

J O Jesus, how few souls understand You in Your martyrdom of love. O, great is the fire of the purest love burning in Your Most Sacred Heart. Happy is the soul that has understood the love which is in the Heart of Jesus. (Diary, No. 304) A MOMENT OF SILENCE Dear Lord Jesus! Reflecting on the mystery of Your crowning with thorns, we now recite the third decade of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. (0:41)

Meditation 4.
The Way of the Cross of the Lord Jesus

D Song: You go Through the Ages – 1-2 stanza (1:36)

D … I really wanted to spend the whole night by the altar of repose with Jesus. I prayed until eleven o’clock. At eleven Jesus said to me, “Lie down and rest; I have let you experience for three hours what I suffered the whole night.” So I went to bed at once. I had no physical strength left at all, the ordeal had exhausted it completely. All the time, I was in a sort of swoon; every time Jesus’ Heart stirred I could feel it in my own heart and it went right through my soul. Even if this torment had been my own, I would have suffered less, but when I looked at the One my heart loved so absolutely, and saw that He was suffering, and that I could do nothing to bring Him relief, my heart was rent with love and bitter suffering. (1:12)

W I was dying with Him and could not die; but I would not have exchanged this torment for all the ecstasy in the whole world. In this suffering, my love increased beyond all ken. I know that the Lord was supporting me with His omnipotence, for otherwise I could not have stood even a moment of it. I went through all the different kinds of suffering with Him in a special way. The world does not yet know all that Jesus suffered. I attended Him in Gethsemane and in the dungeon, and during His trial in the court, I was with Him during each of the different kinds of suffering. I missed none of His movements, none of the looks on His face, I witnessed all the omnipotence of His love for souls and of His mercy upon them. (Faustina’s Diary, No. 1055) (1:07)

B O infinite God. How great is Your mercy, it transcends all human and angelic understanding whatsoever; all the angels and all people have come from the depths of Your mercy. Mercy is the flower of love; God is love, and mercy is His deed, He is begotten of love and manifested in mercy. Whatever I look at, everything tells me of His mercy, even Divine justice itself tells me of His unfathomable mercy, for justice comes from love. (Faustina’s Diary, No. 651) A MOMENT OF SILENCE Dear Lord Jesus! Reflecting on the mystery of Your carrying of the cross, we now recite the fourth decade of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. (1:10)

Meditation 5.
The death of the Lord Jesus on the cross

P Song: He is Hanging On The Cross – 1-2 stanza (1:06)

P Oh, how much I want every soul to praise Your mercy. Happy is the soul that calls on the Lord’s mercy; it shall have what the Lord has promised, to defend it as His glory, and who shall dare to fight with God? All you souls, praise the mercy of the Lord, by your trust in His mercy, all your lives and especially at the hour of death, never fear, dear soul, whoever you are, fear nothing at all; the greater the sinner, the greater his right to Your mercy, O Lord. O unfathomable goodness, it is God who comes down to the sinner first. O Jesus, I want to praise Your mercy for thousands of souls. I know very well, O Jesus, that I am to tell souls of Your goodness, of Your unfathomable mercy. (Diary, No. 598) (1:19)

A O Jesus, I beg You for the sake of the goodness of Your sweetest Heart, let Your wrath be calmed and bestow Your mercy on us. May Your wounds hide us from Your Father’s justice. I have come to know You, O God, as the fount of mercy by which all manner of souls are nourished and invigorated. O, how great is the Lord’s mercy, greater than all His other attributes; mercy is God’s greatest attribute; all that surrounds me tells me this. Mercy is the life of souls; His compassion is boundless. O Lord, look upon us and deal with us according to Your infinite kindness, according to Your great mercy. (Faustina’s Diary, No. 611) A MOMENT OF SILENCE Dear Lord Jesus! Reflecting on the mystery of Your saving Death on the Cross, we now pray the fifth decade of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. (1:26)

After the Chaplet of Divine Mercy:
adoration of Jesus glorified

(Duration of meditations with songs: about 41 min.)

Z From the Book of the Prophet Isaiah (6:1-4): I saw the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne, with the train of his garment filling the temple. Seraphim were stationed above; each of them had six wings: with two they veiled their faces, with two they veiled their feet, and with two they hovered aloft. “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts!” they cried one to the other. “All the earth is filled with his glory!” At the sound of that cry, the frame of the door shook and the house was filled with smoke. A MOMENT OF SILENCE I saw the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne, with the train of his garment filling the temple. Seraphim were stationed above; each of them had six wings: with two they veiled their faces, with two they veiled their feet, and with two they hovered aloft. “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts!” they cried one to the other. “All the earth is filled with his glory!” At the sound of that cry, the frame of the door shook and the house was filled with smoke. (1:37)

Z Song: The Hidden Jesus – 1st stanza (0:53)

M I am looking at You, O Jesus, hidden in the Most Holy Host, placed on a throne, in a golden monstrance… I am looking at You, the true God, and I know that the extraordinary grace of seeing You is available to me today. I confess with trembling: “…I saw the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne, with the train of his garment filling the temple. … Then I said, “Woe is me, I am doomed! For I am a man of unclean lips, living among a people of unclean lips, yet my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!” Then one of the seraphim flew to me, holding an ember which he had taken with tongs from the altar. He touched my mouth with it and said: “See,” he said, “now that this has touched your lips, your wickedness is removed, your sin purged.” Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” “Here I am,” I said; “send me!” (Isa 6:1-8) (1:30)

J Song: The Hidden Jesus – 2nd stanza (0:53)

J From the Gospel according to St. John (12:20-22) Now there were some Greeks among those who had come up to worship at the feast. They came to Philip … and asked him, “Sir, we would like to see Jesus.” Philip went and told Andrew; then Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus. A MOMENT OF SILENCE They came … and asked, “Sir, we would like to see Jesus.” A MOMENT OF SILENCE They … asked … “Sir, we would like to see Jesus.” (0:51)

G John 12:23: Jesus answered them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me. (0:55)

G Song: The Hidden Jesus – 3rd stanza (0:53)

W “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” Yes, we adore You, Beloved Jesus! Oh, how You love us, Creator of the boundless skies, since You have time for us… since You want to be here with us! It is good to be with You, Jesus! I love You… I delight in You, but I also still lack the fullness of openness to You. Am I able to fulfill Your heart’s desire, longing for great love? Do I respond to that longing which You confided to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, confessing to her in one of Your apparitions: “I thirst with such a terrible thirst to be loved by men in the Blessed Sacrament that this thirst consumes Me. Yet I find no one trying to quench it according to My desire by some return of My love.”? [1] (1:23)

W Song: Your Heart, Jesus, is Burning with Love – 1st stanza (0:50)

D O Beloved Lord! Create in us the spaces of loving admiration for You, God close to us, God how exceedingly close to us… O, how humbly loving Savior of the human family! Give us Your power – we beseech You humbly – give us such power that we may be able through it to die to the world of cravings, to the world of the pieces of silver, i.e., the world of betraying the indestructible, Divine values… O Jesus, Jesus… grant us now the ability to give up that which makes us slaves to cravings… Create in us the spaces of loving admiration for You, God near, God so exceedingly near… (1:04)

D Song: Your Heart, Jesus, is Burning with Love – 2-3 stanza (1:40)

P You are so close to us… so loving…. so devoted to the Father’s plan to create us anew… O Jesus, Jesus, Jesus… O our Savior, O our Beloved… O, create in us – now, just now create, create in us, we beseech You – create in us the spaces of loving awe of You, God so near, God so exceedingly near… A MOMENT OF SILENCE. Jesus, Creator, Emmanuel, God with us… O, have mercy… O, free our hearts from the predilection for all worldliness, for all transient pleasure or worldly vanity, for human applause, for the world’s delight in us… A MOMENT OF SILENCE (1:04)

P Song: Your Heart, Jesus, is Burning with Love – 4-5 stanza (1:40)

B O Jesus, Jesus, Jesus… O, free our hearts from the predilection for all worldliness, for all transient pleasure or worldly vanity, for human applause, for the world’s delight in us… A MOMENT OF SILENCE. O Emmanuel, God with us, our Lover, our Beloved… O, set us free with Your merciful love… O, enable us to delight in You – the One who bestows upon each of us an invitation to love one another, an invitation to enter into such a unity with You that no one in the world can achieve with any other human being… (1:01)

B Song: Your Heart, Jesus, is Burning with Love – 6-7 stanza (1:40)

Z O Lord Jesus! In the Old Testament, You addressed through the prophet Isaiah such a call to the Chosen People: “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call Him while He is near. … For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. (Isa 55:6-8) A MOMENT OF SILENCE So now, O Dearest Jesus, as we have received You in Holy Communion, the prophet’s call is highly significant and timeliest. “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call Him while He is near.” … (1:07)

Z Song: Your Heart, Jesus, is Burning with Love – 8-9 stanza (1:40)

A Yes, it is right now that You are close, very close, as close as possible! Now, each of us is with You in an unimaginably close relationship thanks to the Holy Communion. Although none of my senses can convince me of this, the faith of the Church tells me: here, where the Sacred Host is by my heart, just here You are, Lord Jesus, my Bridegroom; here You are bodily, very close to me, by my heart, thirsty for my love, thirsty for my search for You… Yes, yes… We are together, we are for each other, we are in mutual love… (1:04)

A Song: I Know in Whom I Believe – 1st stanza (0:48)

J “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call Him while He is near!” – You say, O Jesus, to me through the prophet. Is my heart beating strongly? Is my heart alert to sing a song of love toward Him who wants to come in the darkness of the night, as the Song of Songs (5:1-2) tells about You, O Dearest One? This song, comparing my heart to a beautiful garden, now allows me to hear the words of love coming from Your Heart. You say to me like this: “I have come to my garden, my sister, my bride; I gather my myrrh and my spices, I eat my honey and my sweetmeats; I drink my wine and my milk. … Open to Me, My sister, My beloved, My dove, My perfect one! For My head is wet with dew, My locks with the drops of the night.” (1:21)

J Song: I Know in Whom I Believe – 2nd stanza (0:48)

M Now, as we abide in the reality of our Eucharistic union, O Jesus, I will ask You: tell me, please, what is this night of which the Song of Songs speaks as the time of Your coming to me, as the time of our loving encounter in Holy Communion? The answer You give me through St. John of the Cross, mystic, the restorer of the Carmelite Order, is this: it is the night of faith. In order to see with my mind the truth that You are indeed physically, in the flesh, coming to me, I must cling to the faith of the Church with all my mind and all my heart, with all my strength. Your Church tells me that You, Jesus, are in Holy Communion through the highest degree of presence; it is the presence with which no other form of Your presence can be compared. [2] (1:26)

M Song: I Know in Whom I Believe – 3rd stanza (0:48)

W Beloved Jesus! I believe that Your coming to me in Holy Communion cannot be compared to any other form of encounter with You. I believe that our union is now absolutely unique. I believe that our mutual closeness now reaches, in the reality of Eucharistic union, an unspeakable fullness… I want to open myself to this extraordinary reality of our closeness completely, so I believe the Church, firmly believe, with all my heart I believe, with all my mind I believe – I believe in Your physical presence here. A MOMENT OF SILENCE. Jesus, tell me, please, why has faith been called night? Why can I say, following the teaching of the Song of Songs, that You come to me in the darkness of the night? (1:15)

W Song: Fall to Your Knees – 1-2 stanza (0:52)

G Looking at You, O Beloved Bridegroom, I recall the works of St. John of the Cross, where he explains the riddle of that night, which he calls the night of faith. St. John of the Cross first explains that Your coming cannot be perceived by my hearing, sight, or other senses; hence, I am also unable to attest by my mind to the truth of Your physical coming to me. It is darkness and night for my mind: I am unable to see You in the darkness of this night, for my senses do not perceive You… (1:03)

G Song: Fall to Your Knees – 3-4 stanza (0:52)

P Beloved Jesus! You are here as invisible, but You are… It is how I believe, and I see through this very faith… Only through the power of the faith of the Church can I testify that You are under the species of the Most Holy Host… You have established it, O Creator of human nature, that I must see something to reasonably affirm that this “something” is right next to me. Moreover, I must hear something to affirm that this “something” is beside me reasonably. I must smell something to affirm that something is right next to me reasonably… In the work of knowing reality, my mind, created by You, usually always relies on what my senses know and experience. (1:11)

P Song: We Worship to Your Heart – 1st stanza (0:50)

D Most beloved Spouse! Since neither my eye sees You, nor my ear hears You, nor my nose confirms to my mind Your presence, Your coming to me, it is a challenging situation for my mind – it is the dark night for my mind. Based on my human nature’s capabilities, my mind does not perceive You… does not confirm Your coming to me. Moreover, this is what is a dark night for me. Am I, therefore, powerless? Am I doomed to the darkness of the night, the darkness of not seeing You? A MOMENT OF SILENCE O, I hear the voice of someone who says to me: “Open to Me, My sister, My beloved, My dove, My perfect one! For My head is wet with dew, My locks with the drops of the night.” (1:16)

D Song: We Worship to Your Heart – 2nd stanza (0:50)

Z I ask St. John of the Cross, a mystic gifted with spiritual sight: Am I, then, condemned to the darkness of night, the darkness of not seeing my Bridegroom, the darkness of not perceiving the moment of His coming to me? In response, I hear the saint’s instruction: No, no… none of humankind is condemned to such impotence, to remain in such a great darkness of night… To each of us, God Himself comes to our aid and, showing a bizarre source – a source of light – says: this is a light for your mind…, this is a flame of love for your heart… this is a light that has My Divine power and is capable of illuminating this darkness of night… A MOMENT OF SILENCE O, I hear the voice of someone who says to me: “Open to Me, My sister, My beloved, My dove, My perfect one! For My head is wet with dew, My locks with the drops of the night.” (1:27)

Z Song: We Worship to Your Heart – 3rd stanza (0:50)

B O Lord! I know that this light is capable of showing me, a man still plunged in darkness, the path on which You come to me… A MOMENT OF SILENCE This light is capable of showing me You…, to show You in this very moment abounding of love, when You come to me under the cover of night…, when You come with a heart burning with the desire to love. A MOMENT OF SILENCE O, Lord, O beloved Jesus, tell me, please, where does this source of light spring forth…? Where does the spring beat whose power enables people to see You at the moment of Your coming?…. O Jesus, Jesus, Jesus… Grant me the light… grant me the spiritual sight… grant me to see the time of Your visitation, the time of our nearness… Jesus, my Jesus… my Jesus… A MOMENT OF SILENCE O, I hear the voice of someone speaking to me: “Open to Me, My sister, My beloved, My dove, My perfect one! For My head is wet with dew, My locks with the drops of the night.” (1:36)

B Song: Let us Love the Lord – 1st stanza (0:42)

J O Jesus, Jesus, Jesus…. Tell me, please, where can one draw this spiritual power not to miss the time of our meeting, the time of loving You, the time of our mutual love? O Jesus, my Jesus… Is it true that the Church of Christ has this light and that the storage vessel of this light is the faith of the Church?… O Jesus, my Jesus, tell me, please, where can one draw this power to love You? A MOMENT OF SILENCE O, Lord, O beloved Jesus, tell me, please, where does this source of light spring forth…? Where does the fountain beat whose power enables people to see You at the moment of Your coming?… Jesus, Jesus, Jesus… Grant me the light… grant me the spiritual sight… grant me to see the time of Your coming, the time of our nearness… Jesus, my Jesus… my Jesus… A MOMENT OF SILENCE O, I hear the voice, the marvelous voice of someone who says to me: “Open to Me, My sister, My beloved, My dove, My perfect one! For My head is wet with dew, My locks with the drops of the night.” (1:42)

J Song: Let us Love the Lord – 2nd stanza (0:42)

A From where, then, O Beloved Jesus, can I draw the light to be able to see You when You come to me?… From where, then, O Beloved Jesus, can I draw the light to see You always when You come to me to love me and delight in my love? From where shall I draw power for the eyes of my soul, so that I do not miss the moment of Your coming to me… so that I do not make You, O Beloved, staying before the door of my heart?… A MOMENT OF SILENCE O, from where can I draw this spiritual power, so that this dark night could not overpower my soul, and inflict You, Dearest, with bitter torment? A MOMENT OF SILENCE “Open to Me, My sister, My beloved, My dove, My perfect one! For My head is wet with dew, My locks with the drops of the night.” (1:21)

A Song: O the Silent White Host – 1st stanza (1:06)

W O, where does one draw this spiritual power so that this dark night does not overpower the soul, does not inflict bitter torment on You, Dearest? A MOMENT OF SILENCE O, where does one draw this spiritual power… Yes, yes… I already know… I already understand more and more thoroughly… I see more and more clearly… Desiring to notice You, desiring not to miss the moment of Your coming to me, O Beloved, I must draw from the treasury of the faith of Your Church… I must open my mind and heart to what Your Holy Church proclaims about Your Eucharistic coming… Only the light of the faith of the Church, the faith accepted with all its depth, the faith accepted by my mind and my heart – this light illuminates this dark night and allows me to see You with the eyes of the spirit, allows me to hear Your loving call: “Open to Me, My sister, My beloved, My dove, My perfect one! For My head is wet with dew, My locks with the drops of the night.” (1:38)

W Song: O the Silent White Host – 2nd stanza (1:06)

M Beloved Jesus! The time of our love meeting is slowly drawing to a close. Now, i.e., until the Appeal of Jasna Gora, we wish to abide in silence to listen with our hearts to Your voice. Jesus, speak in the depths of our hearts, instruct us about love, heal us from frigidity, move us with Your love, and kindle the love of our hearts to You. Jesus, I love You. Amen. (0:36)

[1] Letter No. 133a of St. Margaret Mary to Father Croiset, 3 November 1689. See on the Internet ← click, please!
[2] See Pope Paul VI, Encyclical Mysterium Fidei, No. 39: This presence is called „real” not to exclude the idea that the others are „real” too, but rather to indicate presence par excellence because it is substantial, and Christ becomes through it present whole and entire, God and man.