Wojciech Kosek,
Doctor of theology, and biblical scholar,
along with members of
The Community of the Perpetual Rosary
The Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
of the Church of the Divine Providence
in Bielsko-Biała, Poland,

Eucharistic prayers and meditations as:

• preparation for participation in the Holy Mass
• Adoration of Jesus Christ after the Holy Mass    

At the beginning of this publication, I would like to thank
The Community of the Perpetual Rosary,
with whom I have been allowed to pray
since 15 May 2010.

This website was initiated on 7 Jul 2023.
There will be published here translations of texts
from the website pasterz.html ← click, please!

During adoration, I encourage you to use the booklet
published at Tyniec Abbey on 14 Feb 2023:
In the footsteps of the Immaculate Mary,
let us enter the time of loving Jesus,
the Most Holy Host

[Śladami Niepokalanej Maryi wejdźmy w czas miłowania
Jezusa-Hostii Przenajświętszej

Texts with meditations before the Holy Mass:

Texts for adoration with meditation (and Holy Rosary) on the First Saturday:

Texts of meditations before the Holy Rosary during the adoration:

Texts of meditations for the Holy Rosary during the adoration:

Texts of meditations for the adorations with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy:

Texts of meditations for the adoration of the Risen Jesus:

See also:

Characteristics of the content of this webpage, and its keywords:

Dr. Wojciech Kosek of the Association of Polish Biblical Scholars talks about Scripture. Dr. Wojciech Kosek, a graduate of the Theological Faculty of the Pontifical Academy of Theology (PAT) in Krakow and an ordinary member of the Association of Polish Biblical Scholars, writes about the Bible, moral theology, and especially prayer after Holy Communion. Here are the keywords: Jesus, Christ, God, Eucharist, Mass, Passover, rite, liturgy, prayer, Jericho of prayer, contemplation, Scripture, Bible, Old, New Testament, Church, exegesis.